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Best Shirodhara centre in Sydney Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment in Australia


Ayurveda is a 5000 year old healing system, developed in the Vedas. This system uses medicines derived from nature, and the enforcement of healthy lifestyle changes to treat diseases, maintain recovery, and also help an individual realise his/her vitality. It works on the ideology that true health is more than just recovering from an illness - it is that and then creating a balance between the environment, mind, body, and spirit to maintain complete health and productivity.

Panchakarma Cleansing or Indian Ayurveda Detoxification Sydney

Panchakarma is a set of herbal remedies for detoxification that has been in practice in Kerala's Ayurvedic centres for many decades. It consists of herbal massages and other ayurvedic treatments performed using medicated oils that treat the skin for restoring youthfulness, rejuvenating the mind and detoxifying the body. It is a combination of five traditional methods that balance Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney's Panchakarma treatment package is based on health requirements. Generally, Panchakarma treatments run for 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 or 21 days.

Price - Advised after consultation based on client's health requirements.

Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney-Panchakarma Detox Sydney
Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney-Panchakarma Detox Sydney

Why should I choose Panchakarma at Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney?

  • All panchakarma detoxification treatments are performed by Dr Aswani Anil, who is an experienced panchakarma specialist.
  • Dr Anil is also the Director of Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney, health and wellbeing of every client is most pertinent to her.
  • Dr Aswani Anil practised and learned Panchakarma under the guidance of her Guru Dr Pathrose Parathuvayalil, Chief Physician Parathuvayalil Hospital, Kerala.
  • All the Ayurvedic herbal oils used at our Panchakarma Sydney centre are quality medicines imported from Kerala, home of Ayurveda.
  • Dr Aswani designs panchakarma treatments tailored to individual client health requirement after a 60 minutes panchakarma consultation.
  • Panchakarma consultation cost is included for clients booking packages for seven or more days.
  • Our Panchakarma Treatments involves Indian ayurvedic massage or Abhyanga massage, Udvartana massage, Vasti, Virechanam, Vamana, Shirodhara, Swedana, Nasya, Dhara therapy, Tharpana and Kizhi treatment.
  • All the treatment plans are discussed and agreed with the client before commencement of any therapies.
  • Our clinic will serve a special meal prepared by Dr Anil each day after Panchakarma Treatments.
  • Post therapy diet advise prepared for an individual client based on health requirements.
  • Herbal Heal Ayurveda Clinic is located near to all public transport, very close to Sydney CBD. Plenty of council parking available near to the Clinic in Glebe.
Herbal Heal Ayurveda Sydney-Panchakarma Detox Sydney

Vamanam- Ayurvedic Emesis

Vamana or Vamanam treatment also called therapeutic vomiting, or medicated emesis is one amongst the five therapies in Panchakarma. It is primarily conducted for the treatment of an aggravated Kapha Dosha and cleanses toxins from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. As a prevention and cure therapy, Vamanam slowly eliminates breathlessness by removing excess mucus that causes lung congestion. This clears the lungs and sinuses for a light sensation in the chest. Vamanam is used for Kapha-related ailments such as bronchitis, cough, cold, asthma, etc.

During pre-therapy, the client is advised to take Kapha aggravating foods such as sweets and rice. This maximises the Kapha content and eliminates it from the body. On the following day, a medicinal potion made from vomit-inducing elements is provided to the client. This usually consists of calamus root tea and liquorice. The drink will instantly trigger a vomiting sensation. This Vamanam potion will expel the Kapha fully from the chest region. Post therapy, the client is advised to take light food and rest completely.


  • Enhanced digestion and metabolism
  • Improved strength and immunity
  • Improves fertility and virility
  • Improves eyesight, hearing and other senses


  • Eczema and other skin disorders/skin diseases
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory infections
  • Anaemia

Virechanam - Ayurvedic Purgation

Virechana or Virechanam treatment is a Panchakarma process that is used to treat vitiated Pitta and related disorders like skin diseases, gastritis and gall bladder conditions. It flushes out increased Pitta Dosha in the body through the anal tract by purgation. Virechanam is usually carried out three days after the Vamanam procedure, during which the Swedana pre-therapy treatment also administered to the client. This Panchakarma process advised for high Pitta conditions and Pitta dominant conditions like peptic ailments, gout, jaundice and vomiting. Such disorders arise from the accumulation of excess Pitta or Bile, in the gall bladder.

Virechanam performed on an empty stomach in pre-noon time or Pitta Kala. On the morning of treatment day, the client is given a full body massage, and a therapeutic laxative is given. The purgation is allowed to continue until all the waste products, and excess Pitta is removed through the lower intestinal tract. After the therapy, the client's face, hands and feet are washed with warm water and made to lie down and rest for some time.


  • Detoxification
  • Rejuvenates abdominal organs
  • Purification of blood
  • Strengthens muscle tissues


  • Jaundice
  • Chronic skin diseases
  • Paralysis
  • Gout
  • Oedema

Vasti - Ayurvedic Enema

Vasti or Basti is a specialised Panchakarma process that cures all Vata related problems. Vata is located in the colon and is the force that controls urine, faeces, bile and other forms of excreta. Vasti eliminates the aggravated Vata Dosha through the rectum using a cleansing technique that targets the lower abdominal organs. These traditional Ayurveda practices remove toxins and clean the bowels by flushing out stool, bacteria and worms from the intestine.

For the Vasti procedure, the client is given a full-body oil Ayurveda abhyanga massage. Following this, the client is seated or laid down in a particular posture depending on the ailment and enema is administered using a herbal decoction or medicated ayurvedic medicine oil. The position is held until the oils are forced out through the anal passage. The Vasti procedure usually lasts for 45 minutes to an hour.


  • Promotes strength and vigour
  • Enriches semen
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Aids digestion


  • Urine and stool retention
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Neurological disorders
  • Back pain
  • Kidney stones

Nasya - Nasal Cleansing

Nasya is another of the five procedures in the Ayurvedic cleansing technique of Panchakarma. It involves the introduction of medicines through the nasal tract and helps in rectifying lung congestion, migraines, cold, etc. Nasya purifies the head region and eliminates dosas and toxins that accumulate in the throat, nose and sinus. The process primarily used to keep the ears, nose and throat healthy.

In Nasya, the head, chest and face of the client massaged with Ayurvedic oil. Immediately, followed by a steam bath (Swedana) to the massaged areas. The client then is laid on the back with the head reclined. Drops of the medicated liquid slowly administered into both nostrils, and the client advised to inhale slowly and release through the mouth. Nasya treatment usually carried out for 45 minutes to an hour.


  • Relieves headaches, eye problems and stiffness in the head region
  • Improves voice
  • Relieves dryness in the nasal tract and sore throats


  • Sinusitis
  • Dandruff and hairfall
  • Pimples
  • Locked jaw
  • Migraines and headaches

Rakta Moksha Ayurvedic Therapy For Blood Purification, Cleansing

Rakta Moksha (Do not administer this procedure in our Ayurveda Sydney Clinic) is a Panchakarma procedure that removes toxins from the blood and purifies it. There are several types of methods in Rakta Moksha, such as the application of leeches for blood extraction and removing blood by puncturing the skin. Bloodletting is known to stimulate the spleen, producing anti-toxic substances that further stimulate the immune system.

As part of the Rakta Moksha process, the client is seated or laid down, and a leech placed on the diseased region of the body. Once the leech starts sucking blood through the skin, it determined whether there is pain or itching at the point of contact. This is indicative of Pitta vitiated blood being sucked, and therefore, the leech is removed immediately by the application of rock salt. After removal of the leech, the area is rubbed with turmeric powder to stop the bleeding.


  • Purifies blood
  • Promotes good health and wellbeing
  • Enhances immune system


  • Skin diseases
  • Herpes, jaundice and ulcers
  • Sinusitis
  • Swelling and rashes

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